Other CVs in Kenya

The Arabs founded their colonies on the coast of Kenya in the 8th century, where in the 11-15th centuries. city-states were formed. Since 1963 Kenya has been an independent state within the British Commonwealth. Politic system The state system is a presidential republic. The country consists of 7 provinces and a metropolitan area. The capital is Nairobi. Kenya received independence on December 12, 1963 from Great Britain (national holiday - Independence Day). The executive branch is in the hands of the president - the head of state and government. Legislative power is exercised by a unicameral parliament - the National Assembly. The largest political parties: Kenya National African Union (KANU), Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD), Democratic Party (PD), Kenyan Social Progress (KSK). The state is located in East Africa, the equator crosses the country almost in the middle. In the north it borders with Sudan and Ethiopia, in the east - with Somalia, in the south - with Tanzania, in the west - with Uganda. In the east it is washed by the India Other CVs in Kenya n Ocean, in the south - by Lake Victoria. Largest cities The capital of the country is Nairobi (2.5 million people in 2002), Mombasa (port on the shores of the Indian Ocean), Kisumu (port on Lake Victoria), Nakuru, Embu, Nieri, Kakamega, Garissa, Meru, Eldoret, Tika. Time in flight from Moscow There are no direct flights Moscow - Nairobi. There are transit flights via Zurich (a / to Swiss), London (British Airways) or Amsterdam (KLM). Nairobi International Airport Jomo Kenyatta is located 16 km southeast of the capital. Travel time: Moscow - London - Nairobi - London - Moscow on the way 15:45. Moscow - Zurich - Nairobi - Zurich - Moscow on the way 12:05. The total area of ​​the country is 582.6 thousand square meters. km. 8B. Official languages ​​are Swahili and English. Major religions About eighty percent of the country's population are Christians: Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox Copts. Another ten percent are adherents of various indigenous cults. The other ten are Muslims, mostly Sunnis. About two percent are from other concessions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. https://jiji.co.ke/other-cvs


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